Lip Life-Savers

What does one do when any hope of getting into London for work is completely severed by the not-so-apocolyptic (as it turns out) STORM2K13? You might rejoice in your almost unheard of Monday morning luck, you might stay in bed past midday savouring every second of the God-sent extra day off, or, like me, you might get up at 7am with every intention of catching the first train of the day, fail miserably, then spend the entire morning sorting through your makeup bag. You might laugh, but when you've timed your early morning routine to a T to maximise sleep time, nothing can delay you more than a messy makeup bag. So many unneeded products slowing you down, so little time. A good sort out was well overdue.

One thing I quickly noticed was how many lip balms I have. I've always had really dry lips and from time to time they can get really sore and red (poor me). I've tried drinking two litres(ish) of water a day. Didn't work. Healthy skin vitamins? Nope. The only thing that helps is a good moisturising lip balm. So, as you can imagine, I've built up quite the collection. Here are my top three.

1. Dr. Lipp Original Nipple Balm for Lips
A heavy-duty, multi-use barrier cream originally used nipples, as the name suggests. It's super thick so one application lasts for ages. The nail painting obsessive in me rejoiced to hear it can also be used for dry cuticles. At £11.50 for 15ml, this one is popular among millionaires.

2. Carmex
A fail-safe old fave with retro packaging to match - as you can tell, mine is well loved. This is pretty much the only thing I used on my lips the whole way through uni, and every time I lost it, I had to make a panic trip to Boots to buy another. I now have about five. Purse friendly at £2.69.

3. Burt's Bees Revitalising Lip Balm
I got a few samples of these during an internship placement a while ago and I LOVE them. Nourishing, moisturising and available in a mouthwatering array of scents/flavours(?). This one is Blueberry and Dark Chocolate. Mmmm.

Do you have any lip life-saving products?

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