For the first 21 and a half years of my life I am ashamed to admit I was a nail biter. I hated it, but even that nasty Stop And Grow stuff and my mum's constant discerning facts (eg. "Did you know you have more germs under your nails than there is in a toilet? And you're putting them in your mouth" etc., etc.), I still couldn't break my habit. While I was at uni it got worse thanks to long, boring, stressful days in the library.
BUT that's all in the past now. I don't know how it happened, but for the last three months or so I've had the long nails that I was always jealous of my friends for. I'd like to have some miracle story to share with fellow nail biting addicts, but really, I stopped without even realising. Soz! But that does mean that I can post pretty pictures of nail art, such as this quirky leopard print design.
I'd love to say I painted this myself, but that would be a massive fib. I'm about as rubbish at painting nails as I am at deciphering Shakespeare (SparkNotes, anyone??). This design was painted by nail artist extraordinaire and founder of Nail Porn, Sophy Robson. While I was interning at I had the opportunity to meet Sophy and have a chat over a carton of coconut water while my nails got the full Nail Porn treatment. They look amazing, non? She was so interesting to chat to - she'd painted Rihanna's nails the day before painting mine! *dies*. Check out Sophy's amazing work at
I'm writing this post from the blogger app on my phone - very convenient and quick, but if it looks odd then that's why!